It’s a hard pill to swallow when someone tells you that you’re in control of your emotions. Hearing those words can be easily dismissed, but when you allow the weight of the reality to settle in, you realize how serious they are. This is something I learned the hard way, and something I continue to work on, on a daily basis. So let me elaborate on that statement. No one can make you feel any way unless you allow them. You get to choose your emotions. Say you’re on a highway with 3 lanes of traffic. You’re in the middle lane, and there’s a car traveling at your exact speed…
Irrationally Rational, what?
I love when conversations get past the surface layers, whether it’s acquaintances, friends, family, whoever. There’s so much “fluff” we can use to fill our conversations and it’s easy to miss what’s really going on in people’s lives. It’s not always easy or convenient to get into these conversations, because we are always so busy, or you don’t feel like opening a can of worms. There’s something so rewarding about getting to this level of conversation. A few weeks ago I went to lunch with some girlfriends, and we were lucky enough to have one of these deep conversations. One of my friends was discussing a circumstance she was dealing…
Do we really want another?
Admittedly, I have Baby fever. Badly. I can actually tell you when the seed was planted. A few months ago, my husband, had his wisdom teeth extracted. While he was recovering from the hilarious effects of anesthesia, he mentioned he wanted another baby. Having another baby hasn’t been a taboo topic for us. We’ve talked about it in the past, but before that moment, the answer was always, No. If you asked both of separately we would laugh at the idea of having another kid. Why would we tip the scale? When I am asked what gender(s) my children are and I tell them we have a Boy and Girl,…
I’m a Bad Mom
People in my extended family constantly say, “You’re such a good Mom!” I always chuckle, and say thank you while the line – If you ONLY KNEW! – scrolls through my mind as though it were bright flashing sign right across my forehead. Sometimes, a thank you doesn’t make it out before the sarcastic, “I wish!” falls out of the flaps of my face. If I am being honest, I say this to myself at least once a day. Realistically, it’s probably at least 3 times a day, but I am trying not to beat myself up too much over this. As I sit here and reflect, I actually don’t…